December 28, 2020

Wireless Mouse A4tech FG35 Buying experience in Bangladeshi online stores

December 26, 2020

Some quick and useful git commands

December 19, 2020

Some coding practice with Json, Itertools and Lambda in Python

October 26, 2020

Other side of Python eval() function

October 26, 2020

What does eval() do in Python?

October 22, 2020

Date Query in MongoDB

November 7, 2019

Some git tips to survive in versioning world – Part 1

May 14, 2018

nginx to white-list ip or ask for password

February 4, 2018

লিনাক্স এর কনসোল বা টার্মিনাল এ ফাইল কিভাবে খুজে পাবো?